Sunday, February 19, 2012

News 18/02/12

I've been burning all time I have in improving the engine and the game systems, and its going pretty good.

The utility Foundation module is pretty much done and functional, Graphics systems are pretty well too.
Animation module was refactored too, and its working nice so far. Rendering support also improved greatly. libRocket is now working very consistently, it looks like.

Just to go a little deeper on the animations, the sprite animations are working nice, they are capable of defining an evolution along the time of image frames, and updates a sprite with it! This easily makes possible to create a character with different stances.

Also, the camera animations were started, you can now have a AnimationView associated with your camera, and when you do something like viewAnimation.createEarthquake(5(seconds), 20(intensity)); the camera actually starts shaking like crazy :)

The engine is now very functional from a low level perspective. The next systems that need to be done properly / refactored / documented are:

- Kinesis ( physics )
- Scripting (internal engine commands and AngelScript exportation)
- Content managing
- Networking
- Sound improvements
- SceneGraph high-level stuff / Entity system(component-model) / Quad-Tree rendering

It won't take too much time before you have access to a free complete 2D engine, fully documented!

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