Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reasons why you should write a libRocket plugin and News!

libRocket provides something very useful, the Plugin.

Its just an interface class, you define its methods, and it works like a charm right after registering an instance with the rocket library.

It can be really useful, because you need to maintain only one instance of it, as libRocket has a global initialization nature as well.

Having a plugin you could:
  • Dynamically initialize/shutdown libRocket support
  • Keep track of all contexts alive
  • Keep track of all documents alive, and even what context they belong
  • Have a global event dispatcher, that you can bind to, and get events directly to your app
  • Register custom documents as specific tags easily
  • Maintain the loading/unloading of fonts required by each context, as they go alive or die
Parabola Engine went with this approach and its looking good so far, expect big things soon.

The first public release of the engine is near, you will be able to use it steadily, soon enough.

This means that most low-level systems are almost done, and fully documented. Things such as complex scene graphs with component systems, with skeleton animations and quad trees for rendering are planned, but will be made right after the low-level systems.

The big surprise is that the AngelScript support is looking awesome. The base for dealing with scripts is just doing great!

Its actually possible to render stuff and do other tasks by scripting right now, but they are yet tests.

As soon as i decide the public scripting API, i will implement it full power, along with a nice documentation wiki page.

Expect a series of tutorials to make games with Parabola Engine, by using ONLY scripts. Aimed at all ages!

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